Soo happy to have a day off! I went celebrating With some kirtan and then AMAZING pizza... With My new yoga friends daniella and jasmin. They are so lovely, I am always so happy when I meet girls that are that open and non judgemental, It schould be more sisterhood in the world! 💪Its hard enough to be a Woman, just to have period every freakin month is a nightmare, then u have to look in a certain way, have a fancy home, fancy clothes, work out, eat healthy, give birth and raise a kids, clean, be a sex godess and hang With your friends... Well I dont really live by thoose standards but a lot of Women do and I admire there strength to pull through even if I sometimes want to kiss them on the forehead and say; u don't have to try so hard, I see you sister... I feel we girls have a lot to learn from men and their "brocodes" men seem to be more loyal to their friends and look out and protect eachother. I feel that girls take more opportunity to shine and feel bigger them-self if someone talks shit about a friend. I guess we compare ourselves more and maybe are more jealous... I don't know women are like life it self; chaotic shakti power and we need more grounded powerful but gentle men to show find harmony... And sisterhood goddesses to take care of eachother! So happy that I have so many Amazing women in all Ages in My life, a true blessing ❤️❤️❤️ u guys Know Who u are... 


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