Having a lovely time in mysore. Meet new friends and practice among so many other devotinal yogis is very special. I have joined an intense course that is in total 4 hours hardcore yoga per day but just a few days in my wrist got hurt by doing too many wheel poses in backbending class... You dont realize how much you use your wrist until it hurts! So as always in yoga one step forward, one step back... Let's call it a cha-cha :) Personally I would never buy comepletley what anyone says, masters, gods, wisdom guys, ayurvedic doctors, whitches, trolls, ghosts, holy spirits or my mother :) I have learned the hard way to listen to my inner teacher, we all know everything we need to know...But sometimes we need help to remove the clouds fogging our vision. Yoga, meditation, dance, climbing, painting or whatever are all good tools for that... But listen to yourself. Here in India I meet so many people that buy everything to easy, they come here desparate to change, to reinvent themselves. It's a beautiful thing, one of the reasons I go here myself so many times. BUT stay in tune with yourself listen to your inner alarmclock... You are your own god... Namaste
 Did some yoga photos in a nice park in mysore.
I captured the last of the sun and my friend elliot doing a scorpio handstand