What a week we had in many senses... I can't say how happy I am to show this place to more people. But not in a tourstic way, just as me and Carlos have lived the same things... And the people who came was the right people, allready in the welcome dinner I felt it a big YES... this week will be amazing. everyone so open, so wise, so strong and so sensetive. Like beautiful flowers. And to see them blossom more after all breathing, yoga, good food, tapas, wine, mountines, beaches, flamenco and spa's... That's a satisfaction... And right now I am so happy we did it again... Created something unique and special. This retreat is not a usal yoga retreat, it's a bit wilder we drink wine, we eat what we wanna eat, we laugh to load, we surrender to the pleasures of life. This is a travel for life enjoyers. A celebration of the best things in life. Soon we go to Sardinia to set up for another retrreat. Maybe a more "tradional" one, maybe even completley vegetarian... But this travel I will never change it, because it's seems to create a lot of magic...